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Learn To Say No So You Can Say Yes to One Thing

Learn to say No so you can say yes to one thing :

We as human face day to day activities where we want to say "No" but we won't due to some concern like: "What happens if a person whom I said "No" responds back harshly?".

Saying "No" surely would benefit us to reduce what I say low leverage activities (these activities consume resources too much and the result comes slowly) and increase more time in high leverage activities which are the key to get success more quickly in a timely and efficient manner. We as a human must have courage to say "No" at the things that don't matter to us so we can say yes to things we care about

There is a lot of ways to say "NO" and also make feel people that you still care. You can politely acknowledge them first by repeating their instance then refuse with a valid reason make sure your tone must be polite. Remember one thing your words could be harsh but your never be and should be polite.

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